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Travel Beyond the Valley
Transit Centers
Transit Centers are transportation hubs in which there are multiple transit agencies transfer and utilize the same stop. There are two main transit centers within the tri-county area.
Corvallis Transit Center
Corvallis is a transportation hotspot for shopping, school, and work. Between OSU and the downtown location, there is much to draw people into Corvallis. The Corvallis Transit Center is also a major transfer point for many commuters and students who live outside of Corvallis.
Albany Transit Center
Right next to HWY 20 & HWY 99E, downtown, and multiple shopping centers, the Albany Transit Center is a key location for many people around the area. There is also a railway station at this transportation hub, in which people can use to travel through Amtrak.
At the Albany Transit Center, there is a Amtrak station with a waiting room. For more information, please visit the Amtrak Website for more information. Please note that there are currently no public restrooms on site during COIVD-19.