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Traveling with a Mobility Device

Noun Wheelchair Woman 1767220 000000

All busses are equipped to transport people who use a wheelchair or walker. Low floor busses will have a ramp lowered by the driver in the seat. Other types of busses may have a lift at the side or rear of the bus. Only the driver may operate accessible equipment such as the lift or ramps.

Once in position the driver will secure the mobility device using the available securement system. If seatbelts are required for all passengers then a seatbelt will be required for someone using a wheelchair; this varies between systems and possibly between busses.

Noun Geriatric 2043982 000000

If traveling with a cane or walker you can request the use of the ramp or lift if needed. Once seated you can hold keep your walker or cane in front or to the side of you as long as it doesn’t interfere with access to the aisle. On certain vehicles it may be necessary for the driver to secure the device due to space or access to the aisle.
